Ian Morrison, founder and principal of The Rental Man, and later, Caboolture Property Sales, is a dedicated, focused individual on the needs and services of property investors.
Ian began his career in the house/ land package industry with Dixon homes in the heady 1980’s, featuring in the H.I.A. display village concept.
With the industry in decline in 1984, Ian moved to a general real estate office environment, mentored by Graham Hogg at Rochedale, one of the founders of ‘The Professionals’ group.
Furthering his education by attending a business management degree at T.A.F.E., Ian’s work direction changed with a move to the property management division to expand his overall knowledge of the real estate industry.
Fast forward to 1992, where after a short succession of appointments over the preceding years, with the L.J Hooker and P.R.D. Realty groups (The latter where he developed an in-house training course in property management) Ian opened ‘The Rental Man’ in February.
As the business steadily grew as a strictly specialised Property Management company, Ian tried to remained focused, and referred any clients that then wanted to sell their rental properties to other trusted colleagues around town. This was a good arrangement for a time, but after a while he soon found that his clients were not getting the level of service he thought they needed, and that also other agents for some reason had difficulty working to access with his tenants.
This was a little surprising, because his relationships on both sides was good, and so in 2000 the decision was made to open Caboolture Property Sales, a service dedicated to the clients of The Rental Man exclusively.
A challenging, but very rewarding new chapter of the business then began, with some of Ian’s earlier marketing and selling skills coming to the fore. Early results were very encouraging, and a sales team was established, which meant better outcomes for all his clients.
Over time though, the dedicated focus to Ian’s clients was difficult to grasp, and today he runs the sales portfolio himself, with the assistance of Kylie Kohler in the office and the field.
Ian’s continued presence ensures that both sellers and tenants are comfortable throughout the process, but also that incoming buyers can be advised of all aspects of the property that they are interested in by someone that actually knows all about the property. And this brings great results for everyone.
“When I set out, it was an open plan, but I am very pleased, and proud of what we have achieved for all the investors I have had the pleasure to meet over the years” Ian tells us. And we can see why.
He remembers well listening to the Australia Day Test match whilst gluing the carpet down in his newly secured 60 sqm office.
Over time, the client base grew as Ian’s proposal for a ‘specialist’ property management company took hold, and in 1994 he again increased his systematic approach by reviewing his methods to the ISO9002 quality assurance system. This identified what he and his staff actually do in a formatted, written form, and the policy and practise manuals created stand them in good stead to this day. It has been a strong, and at times difficult road to bring ‘The Rental Man’ to where it is today, but Ian’s dedication and focus has provided all his clients with the security of investment required in these modern, active times.
In the year 2000, a move to the main street of Caboolture to open Caboolture Property Sales brought new challenges, and the extension of Ian’s service to his ‘ Rental Man’ clients.
It continues to provide an efficient and positive addition to the benefit of all.
When he is not at the desk, or in the field, Ian spends his time working on his collection of fairly rare Italian motor-cycles, and racing one in particular in the Post-Classic and Historic Championships in Australia and New Zealand. He enjoys a good book, and relaxing with family.
But in reality, particularly enjoys knowing he can relax after a good week with a job well done.